What is the Marketing Alumni Association? (MAA)

Now you might think of some association or non profits as cults, but I assure you this association is any but (or are we?). The Marketing Alumni Association is a non-profit founded by alumni, for alumni. We first asked ourselves "where is all the primary research behind Marketing Alumni?" Because, well, we couldn't find any.

I decided to lead a focus group during my last quarter of college to identify these holes in our data, and with it there was an explosion of information that we had to delve deeper into. What we found out was this: there wasn't enough alumni to alumni connection, and too much alumni to student connection. There are unique psychographics to marketing alumni, some wanted to help out students, and some, well, didn't. When I conducted this focus group the findings were clear, we had to create the Marketing Alumni Association.

So in June of 2024, Makenna Schumacher, WWU Marketing board member, and I launched the MAA to bridge this gap in our customer retention.

Marketing Alumni Association

  • I helped jump start the Marketing Alumni Association in an effort to increase community between alumni to alumni connection through multi-media channels.
  • Created and stylized the MAA logo and iconography to start our campaigns
  • Helped launch a monthly alumni newsletter campaign on HubSpot to highlight alumni events, industry trends, and upcoming news about the WWU Marketing Program.
  • Compiled monthly reports on the HubSpot analytics to gauge our success in iterative newsletter postings.
  • Using HubSpot CRM, successfully launched MAA newsletter campaign iterations increasing CTA  engagement by 70%.

Current Campaigns

Our main campaign is our MAA Newsletter, in which we have 1600 contacts and growing. Using Hubspsot has been an amazing opportunity and a challenge adapting to a new CRM platform. Here are some of the emails we have sent out recently, along with some reports involved

Marketing Alumni Association Newsletter and Reports

MAA Logo work and Iconography